Types of medication

Types of medication

What is the difference between generic, bioequivalent and brand? Since 2014, the “New Drug Law” has been in force in our country, which establishes, among other points, the obligation of physicians to write down the generic name of a medication when writing a medical...
Downloadable of the six big NO of automedication

Downloadable of the six big NO of automedication

Why not? 6 important reasons for NOT to self-medicate In times like these when it is not advisable to go out and expose ourselves to infections, the temptation may arise or the need to resort to medicines available in our homes for the relief of discomfort, or listen...
COVID-19 vaccine: not a speed race

COVID-19 vaccine: not a speed race

The World Health Organization reported in the first days of May that to date more than 100 candidate vaccines [1] have been presented against the new coronavirus responsible for the pandemic more severe of the last decades, of which 7 or 8 are the most promising since...
Hypertension in Chile and the world

Hypertension in Chile and the world

What is hypertension? High blood pressure (hypertension) is a chronic non-communicable disease that corresponds to the main isolated risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is associated with the highest death burden in Chile (MINSAL). Globally, about 1.13 billion...
Who is affected?

Who is affected?

Nobody is saved In the absence of other conditions that affect health, high blood pressure develops over the course of many years and affects almost everyone at an advanced age. In Chile more than 11% of the population is over 65 years old, and 33% of the total is...