The latest on hypertension
“Nanomedicine: small solutions for giant issues”
Webinar on "Nanomedicine: small solutions for giant issues" was presented by CENDHY director, Dr. Javier Morales Montecinos, broadcasted through the YouTube channel of Centro de Comunicación de las...
CENDHY deputy director interviewed in hometown-based radio
In a new “El futuro es hoy” program in Meridional Radio 100.9 FM at Punta Arenas, on tuesday 11th of august, our deputy director, Dr. Eduardo Soto-Bustamante, was interviewed. In this instance he...
CENDHY researcher gives practical advice on how to improve cardiovascular health
In our country August is dedicated to promote healthy habits within the population that aim specifically to the improvement of cardiovascular health and the prevention of cardiovascular disease....
From our blog
Dr. Javier Morales Montecinos
Dr. Eduardo Soto-Bustamante
Vice principal
Dra. María Paz Ocaranza
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jorge E. Jalil
Principal Investigator
Dr. Felipe Oyarzún-Ampuero
Research associate
Dr. Danilo González Nilo
Research associate
Dr. Osvaldo Yáñez Osses
Postdoctoral researcher
Luis Andrés Villalón Vega
Scientific and communications coordinator
Our research laboratories are located at:
Phones: +56 2 2354 8468 / +56 2 2354 5827