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Últimas publicaciones
- CENDHY Director receives 2015 ASILFA Prize 4 January 2022
- Most recent evidence on the use of ACE Inhibitors and ARBs on COVID-19 patients 20 September 2020
- Pharmaceutical technology developed by CENDHY director is recognized in national innovation contest 20 September 2020
- “Nanomedicine: small solutions for giant issues” 1 September 2020
- CENDHY deputy director interviewed in hometown-based radio 21 August 2020
- CENDHY researcher gives practical advice on how to improve cardiovascular health 17 August 2020
- CENDHY researcher explains there is a direct link between COVID-19 and how hypertensive patients respond 28 July 2020
- CENDHY director was interviewed on radio station from Punta Arenas 28 July 2020
- Continuing education to the medical community: CENDHY participated in an online congress of the Chilean Society of Hypertension and SAVAL 21 July 2020
- New research center on hypertension is established at the University of Chile 13 July 2020