According to achinese studio, carried out to 73,314 patients COVID-19 reported that mortality was higher among those who suffered from chronic diseases such as: cardiovascular 10.5%, diabetes 7.3%, chronic kidney disease 6.3%, hypertension 6% and cancer 5.6% .
388/5000 Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been many debates that have been opened regarding the relationship between hypertension and COVID-19, because people with this pathology -excessive pressure of blood on the walls of the arteries- they have a higher percentage of an enzyme that allows the virus to enter the cells through a protein.
However, in the face of controversy, recent studies conducted in Spain have shown that there is no robust evidence to relate the consumption of antihypertensive drugs and an increased risk of infection or disease severity, quite the opposite in the face of this controversy, Dr. Jorge Jalil, Professor of the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Pontifical Catholic University . Vice President of the Society of Hypertension and Researcher of the Center for New Drugs for Hypertension (CENDHY) pointed out “we have seen that hypertensive patients who are receiving their treatment, better face COVID-19.There is no need to stop the treatments, it has been confirmed that the use of these drugs does not worsen patients and probably protects them ”.
Through the conversation held at the last seminar held by ACCDIS, Dr. Jorge Jalil, took the opportunity to review the scenarios of cardiovascular risk factors, starting with the use of cigarettes, “according to the latest Health Survey Public carried out in 2017, there was a significant decrease of 29.1%, specifically in women ”.
Another of the most important factors to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, has to do with sedentary lifestyle, “in Chile 87.6% of the population is sedentary,” stressed the expert, who also explained that obesity is another very worrying reality in the country, which is not only related to this pathology, but also carries other chronic diseases, “1 in 4 people has a normal weight, while the rest, 75% of the population suffer from obesity,” he said.

599/5000 Regarding arterial hypertension, in Chile it has remained stable for the last 10 years, resulting in 27.6% of the population being hypertensive, however, reviewing the age groups shows that the prevalence of this condition occurs in people 45 years and older. These conditions were noted in the recent report presented by the Department of Epidemiology, DIPLAS – MINSAL, where the cases reported by COVID-19 without and with hospitalization had a high prevalence of high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and obesity, explained the doctor.
On the other hand, diabetes is also among the chronic diseases that are prevalent in the country, which like arterial hypertension produces inflation, cardiovascular remodeling and probably acceleration in other non-communicable diseases, Dr. Jalil commented.
During the seminar, the researcher also referred to the importance of reducing salt consumption, since this is a factor that increases blood pressure, “but we are not talking about that salt that we use in the salt shaker, but rather we must decrease the preserved foods, which contain large portions of salt. ” Finally, he added that another of the habits that we must incorporate into our diet is potassium consumption, which is found in vegetables.