Ph.D. Javier O. Morales Montecinos

Ph.D. Javier O. Morales Montecinos

Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Morales is Director and Principal Researcher of the ACT192144 project and CENDHY. He is also Director of the Drug Delivery Laboratory at University of Chile and a research referent in the area of developing new drug delivery strategies for the design of pharmacological therapies oriented to current treatments and creation of new therapies. He developed the inkjet printing technology of proteins and peptides for the manufacture of polymeric oral films as drug delivery systems, which will be used in the scientific objective of developing fast systems.
Dr. Eduardo Soto-Bustamante

Dr. Eduardo Soto-Bustamante

Dr. Rer. Nat in Chemistry from the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany. Dr Soto-Bustamante is Deputy Director and Principal Researcher of the project, in his capacity as leading researcher in liquid-crystalline materials and nanomaterials with modular physicochemical properties based on the polymerization manufacturing process at the University of Chile. Based on his experience as patent examinator at INAPI for over 22 years, Dr. Soto-Bustamante will work on the objectives of technology transfer and innovation, and on the scientific objective of developing ultra-slow systems.
Dr. María Paz Ocaranza

Dr. María Paz Ocaranza

Ph.D. In Biochemistry from the University of Chile, researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, she is Principal Researcher of the project in her capacity as a scientific reference in the study of vasoactive peptides in the context of cardiovascular and kidney damage associated with arterial hypertension and cardiac damage. Dr. Ocaranza’s work will focus on preclinical research on drugs and delivery systems developed in in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo modalities. As an expert in preclinical research on hypertension, Dr. Ocaranza will oversee and execute the evaluation of biosecurity, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy in preclinical models of the disease.
Dr. Jorge E. Jalil

Dr. Jorge E. Jalil

Medical Doctor from the University of Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica, Resident Cardiologist at the PUC Clinical Hospital and postdoctoral researcher at the Michael Reese Hospital of the University of Chicago (United States). Dr. Jalil is Principal Researcher of the project as an outstanding professional in the areas of cardiovascular remodeling and reverse remodeling in hypertension and heart failure. Dr. Jalil will participate in the preclinical evaluation of the effects of drugs and delivery systems, from the perspective of controlling blood pressure and cardiovascular remodeling. He will also collaborate in evaluating biosecurity, pharmacokinetics and efficacy in preclinical models of the disease.
Santos Dumont 964, Independencia, Santiago de Chile.
Phones: +56 2 2354 8468 / +56 2 2354 5827
Email: contacto@cendhy.cl
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