On Saturday, June 20, the Chilean Society of Hypertension (SChH), together with SAVAL Laboratories, organized the Annual SChH Congress in the format of the Webinar Conference, free of charge and open to the community. Given the contingency for the coronavirus pandemic and its relationship with hypertension (HTA), the theme of the congress was “HTA and COVID-19”.
From the SChH Board of Directors, where the CENDHY principal investigator, Dr. Jorge Jalil, is vice-president, they communicated their intention to hold their annual congress in a virtual way: “It seemed opportune to analyze from our perspective common pathogenic mechanisms, the epidemiology of health moment, the dilemmas that arise with antihypertensive drugs and their access, and aspects about the individual risk of the hypertensive patient at this time. ”
Likewise, SAVAL Laboratories, through its SAVALnet platform, aims to “generate and disseminate biomedical content that contributes to the development of continuing medical education and to the dissemination of the work of health professionals.” Along these same lines, within the objectives of CENDHY, from the beginning we set out the commitment to inform, educate and contribute to the development of science and medicine in our country. Consequently, the main researchers of CENDHY, Dr. María Paz Ocaranza and Dr. Jorge E. Jalil participated in the HTA and COVID-19 Conference with their conferences entitled “ECA-2 and COVID-19” and “HTA, COVID-19 and individual risk: clinical work considerations ”, respectively.

306/5000 The conferences of our full-time researchers are available free of charge on the SAVALnet platform for Chilean doctors and foreigners residing in Chile registered at https: // www .savalnet.cl / net / registro through the following link:

Learn more about our main researchers in https://cendhy.cl/investigadores-titulares/