Our scientific team is built up of researchers from diverse disciplines in areas such as pharmaceutical chemistry, nanomedicine, peptide synthesis, and preclinical and clinical validation in hypertension. CENDHY is part of a multi-institutional collaboration project in which its principal researchers represent the two leading universities in research and teaching in our country: Universidad de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica. As a key partner, our project also includes one of the leading private research institutions in Chile, Universidad Andres Bello.

We are committed to promoting an interdisciplinary approach in the conduct of our research projects since we are convinced that it is the best way to achieve the scientific objectives and comprehensive goals that we propose.

The core of our scientific team is made up of postdoctoral researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, who are funded by the project (ACT192144 / PIA / ANID). We also have the support of a technical-professional team, such as graduates in veterinary medicine, analytical chemistry and biochemistry, in charge of experimental tasks, routine activities and maintenance, which are essential for the progress of our project.

Prior to the constitution of CENDHY, full-time researchers and associate researchers have established and maintain a wide and active network of national collaboration capable to provide access to specific instruments and resources that may be required throughout the development of the project. Among the most relevant national collaborating institutions, the FONDAP center, ACCDIS (Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases), with which our researchers actively participate, stands out.

We have seen close interaction with key members of our international collaboration network, who contribute directly to scientific goals, in our commitment to training of researchers and in the goals of extension to the external environment of the project.

In addition to excellent scientific research, one of the pillars that set up the center is the transmission of its results to society. For this reason, CENDHY’s cross-cutting objectives include technology transfer, participation in community activities and effective scientific communication .

The research area and the fulfillment of scientific objectives are supported by the administration teams of the participating Universities and the representatives of the National Research Agency (ANID), who are in charge of managing the productive, financial and contractual aspects. of the project.

Santos Dumont 964, Independencia, Santiago de Chile.
Phones: +56 2 2354 8468 / +56 2 2354 5827
Email: contacto@cendhy.cl
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